Older Dog – New Tricks! Video post

If he can do it, so can you!

When it comes to life-coaching, Greg does not mess around.  Greg understands the best life-coaches are always learning and always being coached by other skilled mentors.  How can a life-coach ask you do something he is not willing to do himself?

Having just turn 65 years old, Greg is conducting a participatory life-experiment where is challenging himself to learn 10 new life-skills in the next 5 years.  The entire process is being recorded for his YouTube page called “Older Dog – New Tricks”.

This adventure began 18 months ago when Greg fell into a funk from the pandemic closing his Yoga studio and, like many, went into emotional eating to assuage his pain and gained 50 pounds and losing his physical and emotion acumen.  In a moment of clarity, Greg went to work on his lifestyle and diet and lost the 50 pounds and is in the best shape of his life.

Greg has identified 10 additional life-skills his heart desires and has gone to work on all of them, including: Learning the guitar, playing piano, playing the drums, learning 2 new languages, going back to school (at age 65) to get another degree, getting a pilot’s license, starting a recovery non-profit, building a successful Youtube page, and growing a world-wide coaching enterprise.

Greg is using all the methods, principles, experiences, and practices he utilizes when working with others in his life-coaching practice.  The purpose of this wild adventure is to demonstrate with sufficient intention, willingness, and diligent action, any dormant dream of heart’s desire can be accomplished.

Think it might be a little late to achieve your destiny?  Think again, it is never too late to start…Get inspired, visit my “Older Dog – New Tricks” YouTube page and see how we can do it together.